Empty Bowls Project

Students Help Feed Local Hunger
The Leighton Elementary Art Program focuses on developing small motor and problem-solving skills through art production with authentic media. Students work within design parameters, generally with a real-world art and/or technology connection. This year, our digital gallery at “Artsonia” is up and running, in addition to other online program details (“Mrs. Girbino’s Art Website” & “Voicethreads” posted each month), and our 5th Grade Art Club did a collaborative animation which premiered in Shanghai this past April.
In addition to the art displayed in the entry foyer, our 4th grade students were given an opportunity to donate one of their pinch pots to help fight hunger (bowls already “sold” have a sticker). “Empty Bowls” is an international effort to fight hunger, and has raised tens of millions of dollars in the U.S. alone. Thank-you to Miss Lampers for helping Mrs. Girbino organize & implement this project. All funds will be distributed within the local community.

More information can be found at emptybowls.net



From: llampers, 1 hour ago

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Ohio State School Hall of Fame Award

Leighton Goes to Columbus to Receive "Hall of Fame" Award
The Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators announced that Leighton Elementary School in the Aurora City Schools is a winner in the 2007 Hall of Fame Program. Greg Pollock and his staff were presented the award during the annual OAESA Professional Conference in Columbus in October. Leighton was one of only six schools to receive this award. The finalists were selected from 69 nominations from across the state. The school staff submitted extensive written documentation (a 10 page application) substantiating the quality of their educational program in: Mission Statement/Philosophy, Instructional System, Student Achievement, Student Development, Personnel, Administration, School Management, and Community. The Hall of Fame winning schools were chosen by a committee of on-line principals who reviewed the applications and another team of principals who conducted on-site evaluations of the school. The six winning schools represent the finest schools in the state of Ohio. The OEASA commented, “Leighton Elementary is a 3-5 building that is a beautiful facility with over 700 students and a very large staff. Our day began with a friendly greeting from two wonderful students who initiated our building tour. Two different students met up with us and completed our tour. In talking with the staff, we discovered they are data driven with a focus on student achievement that is validated by their excellent test scores. All students have an opportunity to get involved at Leighton Elementary. They offer a wide range of clubs including, but not limited to fishing, art, bike and chess. In talking with the students, we realized how happy they are to attend their school and how much respect they have for their teachers and principal.”
Dan Clapper (Gr. 3 Teacher), Lori Pollock (Parent), Greg Pollock (Principal), Dr. Janet Kempe (5th Gr. Teacher), Cindy Richards (PTO Pres./Volunteer